Skin Nutrition: What to Eat for a Glowing Complexion

It’s time to get down to business and clean out your pantry.  A healthy glowing complexion comes from within.  You might be able to rub on a few creams and get a temporary solution to the lines and wrinkles, but ultimately BEAUTY IS SKIN DEEP!

Your skin is your largest organ and can be the microscope into your overall health.  Whatever you eat shows up on your skin.  Are you struggling with acne in your later years? Or do you have skin tags, those embarrassing little pieces that stick out and make you look old?  Do you have rosacea, psoriasis, hyper pigmentation, eczema, edema, shingles or any number of issues that you struggle to resolve every day?

These are all an indication that you may have other internal health issues.  Your skin acts to warn you about deficiencies in your diet and problems with other organs.  An organic plant-based diet will help you clean out your system and help you flush toxins out of your organs, including your skin.  What I hear from students and clients many times is this: “I just don’t like vegetables” OR “I eat vegetables all the time”(then I look at their journals and see chicken, pork, beef, bread, a lot of cheese, overly processed meat, dairy and baked goods, OH and occasionally a vegetable).  What I just described was all in one meal.  My students have to track their entire day.  Sometimes I see this same meal three times and no vegetables are on the plate.

If you want clear, glowing, healthy skin, make vegetables, grains, nuts, seeds, and fruit the focus of your diet. It’s better if you get these organic and process them as little as possible.  If your skin looks and feels bad, it’s because it’s not getting proper nutrition.  As I said before, I have creams and solutions you can rub on, but the underlying issue has to be resolved to get to optimum health.  So what is the next big question I get, again and again?  Well, how will I get enough protein if I focus on vegetables?

Our bodies were designed to eat fruits and vegetables, nuts and seeds.  We can easily absorb the nutrition from these foods.  Where do you think the cows, pigs and chickens you eat get their nutrition?  Anything you get from an animal is second hand.  They get the vegetable nutrition from processing the vegetables and grains they eat.  They get first hand nutrition.  If they’re not locked up in some cage, they tend to be very healthy on that diet.  So are we.

In our fast paced lives, I’ve noticed that people tend to be obsessed with protein.  They are taking in protein shakes for breakfast and eating protein bars for snacks.  Given the large number of meat eaters I deal with on a daily basis, I’m puzzled by this behavior.  I thought they were eating all the meat to get protein.  If that’s the case, then why the need for all these other products?  We can ingest too much of these products causing our kidneys to work overtime processing.  This is why most people are forced off high protein diets.  The body starts to fight back and eventually they revert back to something that’s more balanced.  I don’t know anyone who has been able to stay on a trendy diet long term.  But I do know lots of people who have learned how to transform their lifestyles to eat healthy balanced meals without dieting.  And by the way, they lost a lot of weight in the process and avoided diabetes.

At one time or another, we’ve all been victims of the diet merry-go-round.  It’s okay to jump off and seek a better way.  Real food will always be the key to better health, better skin, better spirit.  So get the Pantry Hook Up at and throw out all that old toxic imposter food.  Your skin will thank you and you will age gracefully.  Here’s to your Lifetime Health!

1st Harvest Benefits

What is the magic in the first harvest of the growing season? The magic of capturing the first fruits of your labor. The magic of witnessing life. The magic of working with nature to produce healthful, life giving food. This is the magic of the fall season here in North America. We get to witness the glory of creation and celebrate.

There are truly millions of reasons why eating fruits and vegetables give us life and energy. Our millions of cells are a testament to truth. They thrive when we feed them fresh food. Unfortunately so many of us have been programmed to eat garbage but now is the time to awaken. Break free from the matrix and feed yourself life giving food.

Back when we first planted the thought seeds of a garden we envisioned this first harvest. It was our thoughts that led to a desire to eat better, to be a part of the process and promote growth in our garden. The garden of our mind had to be prepared first to now have the bounty of the first fruits.

One of my favorite doctors, Dr. Michael Greger has given us compelling evidence of the benefits to our bodies and minds of plant based diets. Listen to what he had to say.



Does it take you “forever” to get dressed? Does everything have an elastic waistband?

The last time you saw your doctor, did it go something like this?
‘Well … Your numbers are a little off. You need to lose 20 pounds. Go on a low carb diet NOW or I’m going to have to put you on diabetes medication.’

Hundreds of thousands of Americans get this same advice from their doctors daily. Many try to follow it only to meet with limited success and gradually they slide back into their old habits. Why? Because diets don’t work long term. Specifically low carb diets don’t work for pre diabetics long term. Lifestyle change is the only consistently successful approach to avoid diabetes, heart disease and many other chronic disease. It’s been proven time and again for decades, but why do so many doctors continue to give the same stale advice?

Most Western trained physicians receive about 1 hour of nutrition education in medical school. Couple that with a heavy patient workload and little time to read up on the latest research. Results=STALE ADVICE.
“The fundamental approach to medical education has not changed since 1910.” Dr. Michael Greger, MD

A diet low in fat, rich in fiber from plant-based nutrients and regular brisk physical activity have been proven to get great results that are not possible with drugs. Drugs just mask symptoms and don’t improve a person’s overall health. They just delay the onset of crisis.

If you don’t like to read, WATCH THIS SHORT VIDEO!

Here’s to your Lifetime Health!